Pete Antoniak

Recent Work Assignments
Target Position A
Target Position B
Java Background
Manager Background
Skill Sets
Computer Background
Books Written
DVBE Certification
Informal Resume
Resume W/dates
Standard Resume
Contact Information

Welcome to my web site!

The purpose of this web site is to give you a quick overview of my skills and capabilities. As you will learn, I am first and foremost, an Engineer, as was my dad.  In fact we both went to the same Engineering School (US Naval Academy) and we both got Master's Degrees in Engineering (His from MIT, mine from Stanford). 

I cut my teeth on an Erector Set and have often received the compliment that I am a Renaissance Engineer, because I know so much about all aspects of Engineering.  I am a registered Professional Engineer in the Great State of California, where my family has lived for five generations.  

I am presently proficient in the Java Programming Language, having spent the last 8 1/2 years on an Internet company involving massive client and server side programming.  The client side programming  involves, Java including Swing.  The server side programming involved CGI  PERL and a proprietary set of Database Development Tools to run on an UNIX based  ISP.  The project also included numerous HTML pages and PERL programs to automatically generate HTML with hidden XML tags

My Java proficiency is built on over 40 years of programming experience, starting with the IBM 650 as a High School student attending San Diego State College in the Summer of 62.  I can even remember when FORTRAN and COBOL came out and once had breakfast with the creator of COBOL.

I am also a Project Manager with a specialization in  high tech projects.   My Master's Degree from Stanford was in Engineering Project Management and I have been employed by the US Government as well as Private Enterprise as a Project Manager.  I once set up the Project Management System for a $400 million Department of Energy Project which included teaching the Engineers how to use it.

Please use the navigation bar to see the details.

Thanks for visiting.


Pete Antoniak 

This page was last updated on 02/20/06.